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Nobody what's in of until else.
Sees right front them someone points.
You stand
in the
hall pointing
to the
door where
you think
he is
but no that
is just
the beginning
he's not in
front of you hiding
  behind the wall ?
you know
well but
you aren't
and then
when someone
says no
you disagree
Nobody what's in of until else.
Sees right front him someone points.
The Importense of Challenging Me on Stuff I Already Know
Listen to me as I blather on meaninglessly about
all-important all-importances.
Importenses plague my tongue
like a certain French phrase for quoi?
Well, I'll tell you, I enjoy the concupiscence of the melody.
Nothing better, I say, I say, I say so much.
With all importense, I
Well, I think you know
Don't challenge me
Of course I'm right!
Why would I say something
say that if
I didn't think I was right?
so you know what? I'm
pissed off. I'm not right
all the time, but I
wouldn't say it if I didn't
think it was true.
I don't need to tell you I'm
wrong, not because I'm not,
but because you know that already. Or else your
stupid. STUPID
Don't challenge me on this.